Kiki’s Delivery Service is a 1989 animated film written, produced, and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. An adaptation of a 1985 novel, the film tells the story of a young witch who moves to a new town and uses her ability to start a pre-internet version of Seamless (well, pretty much). It was the first Studio Ghibli film to be released officially in the United States (a later version featured the voice talents of Kirsten Dunst and Phil Hartman), introducing a new audience to Miyazaki’s thoughtful, potent storytelling and anime in general. The music was composed by frequent Ghibli collaborator Joe Hisaishi - charming, nostalgic, and memorable as always. Includes two vocal tracks, “Rouge no Dengon” and “Wrapped In Kindness”, both featuring singer, composer, and pianist Yumi Arai (aka Yumi Matsutoya). This LP includes all musical cues heard in the original Japanese version of the film. (Some dubbed versions added additional, but ill-fitting, music.) This is the first release of this soundtrack on LP format, and features remastered audio and newly designed artwork.
- yellow colored vinyl
- includes obi strip + printed insert
- remastered sound
- original release year: 1989
- music label: Studio Ghibli Records 2023
reviewed by: KURONEKOSAMA