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📊 Best Turntable Cartridges By Price - TTL Levels

↳ Best Budget Cartridge Under $40

↳ Staple Entry-Level Cartridge at $70

↳ Upgradeable Entry level HiFi Cartridge at $90

↳ Best-selling + Most Popular HiFi Cartridge at $100

↳ Top Value Nude Diamond Stylus at $120

↳ High-End Audio + Easy Installation at $179

↳ Nude Diamond Stylus, Easy Installation at $250 Range

↳ Nude Diamond Japanese Cartridge at $350 Range

↳ Entry Point to Moving Coil Design at $400

👉 If you want to explore the qualities of moving coil (more sound detail, requires MC compatible preamp) the Quintet Red is the most affordable option we offer. The Red is known to be a well-rounded cartridge for all types of music. Ortofon describes its output as: "open, dynamic sound with a slight touch of warmth."

↳ Japanese Moving Coil Design under $500

🥈Honorable Mention: One-Piece Design With Choice of (5) Stylus Models

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