Cool World is a 1992 live action / animated hybrid film directed by Ralph Bakshi and starring Kim Basinger, Gabriel Byrne, Brad Pitt. The film was originally pitched as an animated horror film about an underground cartoonist who fathers an illegitimate half-human half-cartoon daughter, but the script was rewritten into a more straightforward romantic romance when the studio demanded the film be rated PG. The film was not a financial success, but became a cult classic, earning praise for the painterly aesthetic of the live action footage and thoughtful interpretation of the classic Fieischer Studios animated aesthetic. The soundtrack is a nice snapshot of popular alternative music at the time, an early instance of “electronica” making its way up the US charts. “Real Cool World” was the first new Bowie song after Tin Machine, and features production by Nile Rogers, their first reunion since 1983’s Let’s Dance. Other highlights include “Disappointed” by the supergroup of Bernard Sumner (New Order), Johnny Marr (The Smiths) and Neil Tennant (Pet Shop Boys), “Ah-Ah” by Moby, and “Under” by Brian Eno. Pressed on “flesh” colored vinyl, the D-Side features an etching of characters from the film.
- "flesh" colored double LP pressing
- first time the soundtrack to this film available in full on LP format
- limited edition
- music label: Warner 2019
reviewed by ONLY A LAD 06/2019