Studio Ghibli is responsible for some of the best animated films in the world. This box set of 7” singles collects music from three of their most iconic films, all directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The first disc consists of the moody opening (written and produced by Haruomi Hosono) and ending songs from 1984’s sci-fi and fantasy epic Nausicaa, Valley of the Wind. The second disc is straight up City Pop, featuring the two vocal themes from Laputa Castle In The Sky. The third and fourth disc feature charming selections from My Neighbor Totoro, one of the first anime films to receive an unedited theatrical release in the US. There is an additional bonus disc pressed on colored vinyl that includes instrumental versions of two of the Totoro tracks. Includes a Studio Ghibli 7” adapter.
- 5 x 7" vinyl pressing
- first (4) discs on black vinyl, 5th (bonus) disc on purple colored vinyl (please note: actual pressing color and packaging may differ from mock-up photo)
- housed in hard outer box enclosure
- includes custom Ghibli Records 45 adapter
- limited edition
more Studio Ghibli soundtracks available
reviewed by Stereonoke Hime 05/2019