"The Pom Poko (Image Album) was conceptualized by director Isao Takahata, by exploring 'various elements of Japanese music' with raccoons as the central characters. Pom Poko, also known as The Raccoon War, is a captivating animated comedy-drama from Studio Ghibli, released on July 16, 1994. This film, the first feature produced at Ghibli's new studio in Koganei and the debut original work by director Isao Takahata, delves into the adventures of tanuki (raccoon dogs) fighting to protect their forest home from urban development. The title Pom Poko refers to the traditional sound of tanuki drumming their bellies, a nod to the folklore and cultural elements embedded in the film's whimsical and poignant narrative." - Studio Ghibli Records
"An 'Image Album' is a prospective score based on early sketches and concept artwork for a film, helping the animators and background artists relate to the intended setting. Themes from this early rough draft Image Album often recur in the final soundtrack, making it a unique documentation of the early stages of this collaborative creative process." - TTL
- black vinyl pressing
- first time on vinyl
- includes obi strip + printed insert
- limited edition
- original release year: 1994
- music label: Studio Ghibli Records 2024