"This album is a collection of music inspired by Hayao Miyazaki's storyboards and sketches from the acclaimed film, Whisper of the Heart. Includes four vocal tracks. Whisper of the Heart is a beloved animated film from Studio Ghibli, directed by Yoshifumi Kondo and released on July 15, 1995. Based on Aoi Hiiragi's 1989 manga, the film features a screenplay by Hayao Miyazaki and marks the first Ghibli feature directed by someone other than Miyazaki or Takahata. This poignant tale, which introduced surrealist painter Naohisa Inoue to the studio's roster, reflects Kondo's unique vision before his untimely passing in 1998. The film remains a testament to his artistic legacy and Ghibli's enchanting storytelling." - Studio Ghibli Records
"An 'Image Album' is a prospective score based on early sketches and concept artwork for a film, helping the animators and background artists relate to the intended setting. Themes from this early rough draft Image Album often recur in the final soundtrack, making it a unique documentation of the early stages of this collaborative creative process." - TTL
- black vinyl pressing (please note: actual pressing color and packaging may differ from mock-up photo)
- first time on vinyl
- limited edition
- tracklist: TBD
- original release year: 1995
- music label: Studio Ghibli Records 2024
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- Scheduled ship dates are always estimates which are subject to change. If there is a substantial delay, we will contact you directly.
- All vinyl pre-orders come with Turntable Lab stickers.