FLCL was an original video animation series produced by Gainax (Evangelion), Production IG (Ghost In The Shell, Attack On Titan) and King Records in Japan. The series’ six episodes were released in Japan from April 2000 to March 2001, but it became an international cult phenomenon upon airing on Cartoon Network’s influential Toonami block in 2003. Despite its short length, The series was praised for its mysterious symbolic content, overall surreal vibes, and left-field animation techniques. In 2016, two new seasons were announced as a co-production between Production IG, Toho (Godzilla, et. al), and Adult Swim, a rare international collaboration. Entitled Progressive and Alternative, these additional 12 episodes continue the story of Naota and Haruhara Haruko and the conflict between the entities known as Medical Mechanica and Fraternity. Prolific Japanese Alt-Rockers The Pillows return to compose and perform the soundtrack, which remains a highly acclaimed element from the original OAV Series. This release includes new songs from the sequel such as “Spiky Seeds” and “Thank You, My Twilight”, but includes reworked versions of “Little Busters” and “I Think I Can”, among other tracks from the original OVA. This LP is housed in a gatefold jacket, and is pressed on blue and yellow double colored vinyl.
reviewed by NO OTAKU VIDEOS 09/2019